Bytes: Remembering the Vietnam War

This year marks fifty years since the end of America’s war in Vietnam.
The Vietnam War was a conflict that divided America and changed the United States in profound ways. But it wasn’t just America’s war. It was also North and South Vietnam’s. And the costs continue to be felt in Vietnam to this day.
By understanding the history of the Vietnam War, learners can think critically about the assumptions, motivations, and pressures, which lead to conflict, and the devastating impacts wars leave behind both at home and abroad.
Geopolitics is a critical component of 21st-century civics education. In today’s interconnected world, challenges are global in scale, and they impact our everyday lives in profound ways. Learners of all ages should have access to the tools and resources they need to better navigate their futures and make their voices and concerns heard.
IGA has partnered with The Rumie Initiative, a pioneer in micro-learning, to develop four micro-curricula on critical topics in the history of international relations. These lessons, delivered through Bytes, bring information to life in just 6-10 minutes. Stay tuned as we release more micro-curricula on nuclear weapons, international organizations, and the legacy of the Vietnam War in the coming weeks
What were the causes and consequences of the Vietnam War?
The Vietnam War devastated Vietnam and left the United States badly shaken and divided.
As we reflect on America’s experience in Vietnam, it’s important to consider not only the decisions, forces, and assumptions which led to the conflict but also the war’s consequences.

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